About Torchbearer RPG

Focused on exploration, resources, and survival, Torchbearer is a dungeon crawl role-playing game (RPG) for 2-5 players and a game master (GM). It's a riff on early fantasy role-playing games like B/X Dungeons & Dragons—emphasizing exploration, resource management, and survival in treacherous environments. Players take the role of a destitute, deadbeat adventurer seeking fortune from forlorn ruins, dungeons, and the wilds.

Torchbearer RPG Highlights:

  • Resource Management: Every torch, ration of food, and scrap of gear counts, challenging players to plan wisely and manage their inventory to survive.
  • Challenging Exploration: Navigate through dark, mysterious locations where every turn can lead to danger or discovery.
  • Survival Mechanics: Combat the elements, starvation, enemies, adn the grind in a quest to return from adventures victorious and richer.

The Sagas of Rimholm

The Sagas of Rimholm takes place in a setting for Torchbearer called the Middarmark—a mythical land of ancient lore, formidable foes, and dangerous ruins.

However, Torchbearer RPG can be set in any settingwith a little modification.

Discover Torchbearer RPG

Dive into the world of Torchbearer RPG, a game that revives the spirit of early tabletop RPGs with a modern twist.

Get the Core Torchbearer Rule Books from Burning Wheel HQ.