Ridders of the Gottmark

Ridders of the Gottmark

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Ridders in Print $36

Ridders Digital PDF $16

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A limited-edition, Torchbearer class supplement.

Ridders of the Gottmark is a Torchbearer Sagas character class book and supplement for Torchbearer RPG.

Designed by the Chalk Horse creative team of D. Koch, a Torchbearer Sagas designer from Mordite Press, and Thor Olavsrud, author of the Middarmark and co-creator of Torchbearer.


  • Ridders of the Gottmark printed book
  • Digital PDF version
  • Region Map PDF


  • 160-pages of content
  • 3 new character classes
  • New Guile mechanics
  • 50 detailed NPCs
  • NPC generator tables
  • New human tribe
  • Ridders and rieve in a world of Chaos conspiracies
New Classes
  • Spirithunter: a wandering hunter that harnesses captured spirits to fuel a divine talisman to unleash unique magic abilities.
  • Flyblown Rover: a halfling divine invoker who can make pacts with the Immortal Lords and cast new invocations.
  • Habuk: a falcon-eyed warrior and horsemaster dedicated to banishing malevolent spirits threatening the land.